Sunday, April 26, 2015

Have you figured these out?

So, sitting there thinking about what is going on in our lives, I got to thinking about things that if people knew and accepted, that life would be easier. 

1. Some people just suck.
Some people just choose to be a jerk. Responding to these people just fan their flame and make you more upset in the long run. Learning to deal with them and going on about life will take you a long way.

2. Family goes beyond blood.
There are those people that may not be related to you, but they will go to bat and be there for you just like (or even better than sometimes) family will. Recognize these people and treat them the same way. 

3. High school was a big smoke screen of BS.
There were so many fake people in high school, you thought you were in a sit-com. The real world saw through it real quick, or at least that first week of college.

4. College doesn't teach you everything you needed for your job.
As a teacher, there was A LOT I didn't learn how to deal with in college, it generally only comes from experience.

5. Money changes people.
When someone gets a job (or a spouts with a job) that changes their tax bracket, don't be surprised to see them change, and not usually for the better. If they treat you different just because they have more  money now, they weren't really who you thought in the long run.

Realizing these things will help your life immensely, but again, these are really just my random thoughts.

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