Friday, April 24, 2015

Is there any sports journalism that isn't crap anymore?

Today, as sanctions came against Oklahoma State University's football team. A couple of years ago, Sports Illustrated's Thayer Evans released an article about "major violations" committed  by OSU's program. Today, SI commended Thayer Evans for his work, despite the fact that the penalty was nothing major as there no major infractions. 
The funny thing about this, money was supposedly given to players as reported by Evans, but did he talk to any of these players, no. This is horrid journalistic integrity by Evans and by SI allowing it. SI wouldn't even allow Evans to be interviewed, which to me says they really knew that it was pure crap. The worst part is, Evans was on record as being a Cowboy hater, how could SI allow someone with a grudge go after this? Yet today, they commend and celebrate a "victory." 
My point is, the "major" sports media outlets have mostly gone to crap. ESPN has come to the point they want to find the entertainment value and looking for the "story behind the story" in everything. Give me some highlights, stats, and maybe a key point to win and go on. Now, I do think ESPN does a good job with some of the 30 for 30 programs they've done. But in the big picture, it's became ridiculous. 
Granted these are my opinions and really just my random thoughts.

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