Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I'm not so sure

So thinking about things today, I'm not so sure all of our available technology is the greatest thing for mankind. 
Yes, there are some amazing pros of all this stuff, GPS, Google at our fingertips, being able to reconnect with folks, etc. but seeing some of the negative ramifications that come from it still make me wonder. 
I teach high school kids and the lack of knowledge of things most of us learned as students is sometimes astonishing. These kids don't know geography. I had to learn all my states and capitals in middle school plus label the states on the map. Now if it isn't the states right next to ours, there's a good chance they don't know where it is. All they need is Google or GPS, God forbid they have to read a map. They might be up a creek.
We've gotten so dependent on technology, it almost leaves us open to vulnerability as people and a nation. I mean think about online predators and things like that.
It's just something to think about, I'm not saying all technology is bad, I use it in positive ways all the time like communicating with parents of my students, paying bills, and even writing this blog on my Iphone(No, I don't have an IPad, I teach in Oklahoma, 49th in teacher pay.) I just think we should think about how much we are depedent on technogy.

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